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Westland Horticulture

Seeding Ideas with SafeLawn

Westland Horticulture, Like Minded
Westland Horticulture, Like Minded


Working with Westland Horticulture we took on a specific scientific brief. This was to create a sales aide and sales training piece to articulate the scientific strengths of the SafeLawn product while demonstrating the superior quality of the Westland lawn seed product in the marketplace.


The gardening gloves are on. With every brand and campaign we work on, we like to get to the essence of the product, the audience/customer and the key points that need communicating in simple terms. An animated explainer that blends art and science to inform and engage both internal sales teams and external suppliers created a great solution.


Westland SafeLawn appeals to households that love their lawn but are put off using chemicals due to safety concerns for children and pets. The product is an organic fertiliser with added lawn seed, made with only natural ingredients so is a clear choice for certain households. We continue to monitor engagement levels and track feedback from sales teams on the effectiveness of the animation explainer.

Westland Horticulture, Like Minded
Westland Horticulture, Like Minded