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Evans Cycles

Centenary Animation


Evans Cycles is the UK’s leading specialist bike retailer and in 2021 celebrates 100 years since the company was formed by F W Evans in his original shop in Kennington Road in London. Throughout that time they’ve been at the heart of UK cycling; from original hand built F W Evans frames, through to their range of modern in house bike brands Pinnacle and Hoy, and the thousands of UK cyclists that have worked, shopped, and ridden with them.

In celebration of their centenary, Evans Cycles approached us for an animation to highlight the cycling milestones of the past 100 years. They wanted something dynamic and striking that seamlessly flowed through the decades, while always making the bicycle the hero of the scene.


Everything from the clothing to the soundscape to the cars (not to mention the bikes!) was carefully considered when designing each scene to make sure they were instantly recognisable.

The piece was animated using a blend of 2D, 3D and frame-by-frame animation. Often we constructed 3D scenes as a reference for our 2D and frame-by-frame motion, allowing us to create interesting but believable camera movements while retaining the loose, organic motion you achieve with 2D and frame-by-frame animation.

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Sound Design

We built a custom score for the piece that seamlessly changes through the decades making each scene clearly identifiable.

The audio sets the mood and pace across the animation ebbing and flowing from leisurely cycles to a crescendo at the 2012 London Olympics.

Finally, the sound effects of the aeroplane tearing across the sky or the crowd in the velodrome complete the atmosphere.