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Charity App Explainer


Young adults leaving the care system for the first time can find it hard to cope with the lack of support during a period of significant change. Barnardos in conjunction with FuturGov and The Care Tech Foundation have developed Journey, an app that connects care leavers with care workers so that they can be supported through the transition to independence.

Our challenge was to communicate the challenges faced by young adult care leavers; the role of Journey and its potential impact to an audience of policymakers, investors and end users.


We created an emotional connect with the audience by combining film with a well chosen narrator. In order to ensure that the focus of the viewer remained on the impact on real lives we illustrated the key screens of the app over the top of video footage so that the technology and the care leavers remain connected through the animation.


"A huge thank you for the work you and the team put into our video, with such short notice and the tight timeline. It’s a great result, and we’ve had positive initial feedback from colleagues who were at the party conferences."
Journey Communication
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